Featured Post - My Blog Network ~ Used Tires Online - Secondhand tire advice and information

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Featured Post - My Blog Network

In my previous post I had written about the blog network.
In blog network people creates different blog different IP spreading in many different class ‘C’ Ip’s. After that they sell blog post in these network blogs at very cheap rates. See some more blogs belonging to a blog network.

1. Abc Locations

2. IT Kaoyan

3. Well Springng

These blogs on writes reviews on all the latest sites hitting the internet.From Travel to Finance and Entertainment.These blog posting will help you to gain backlinks as well as small amount of traffic The benefits of blog networks are you get blog post at very cheap rates, spreading in different IP’s, this not only help you in getting some traffic, it also helps you go to get some boost in your search engine position.Although there are many blog networks, some are very well promoted, and well organised. While buying post from blog network one should see following things.

* In how many IP’s these blogs are spread.

* In how many different class ‘C’ ip’s thes IP belongs.

* What are the PR of different blogs in blog network.

* How many posts per day they are accepting in their network.

* How well is blog network promoted, and traffic blog network receiving.

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